Nucleases are widely present in the laboratory environment and can interfere with many experiments. Single-stranded RNases are ubiquitous, hard to eliminate and can rapidly degrade important samples used in microarray studies, real-time PCR, Northern blots or cDNA cloning. IDT has developed reagents that allow for rapid, sensitive detection of RNases and DNases. These reagents are fluorescence-quenched oligonucleotide probes that emit a fluorescent signal only after nuclease degradation. Assays can be used qualitatively to test lab reagents, equipment and supplies for nuclease contamination. Assays can also be used quantitatively to study enzyme kinetics.
The DNaseAlert Substrate is a synthetic DNA oligonucleotide that has a HEX™ reporter dye (hexachlorofluorescein) on one end and a dark quencher on the other end. The DNA sequence has been carefully optimized to react with a wide variety of nucleases; it contains domains that will react with single-stranded endonucleases, certain single-stranded exonucleases, and double-stranded nucleases. Intact, the substrate has little or no fluorescence. When cleaved by a DNase, the substrate fluoresces pink (536 nm or UV excitation, 556 nm emission) and can be detected visually or using a fluorometer.
RNaseAlert and DNaseAlert are available in single-use tubes that are ideal for rapid hand-held visual assays at the research bench, or as bulk substrate that can be used in either visual assays or read in a fluorometer. Buffers are optimized for detection of a wide variety of DNases or RNases.
DNaseAlertTM Kit Components: 25 50 pmole Fluorescent Substrate tubes250 µl DNaseAlertTM Buffer2 ml Nuclease-Free water25 µl 2U/ml DNase 1 Enzyme50 ml Nuclease Decontamination SolutionKit quality guaranteed for six months from date received when stored at -20°C.
Catalog No. | : | 10170002-1 ( 503750 ) | Size | : | 25 Tube(s) |